Erection of 550 Dwellinghouses
(Up to 500 Residential Units and a Minimum of 50 Leisure/Resort Units),
Community Facilities (Class 10 Non-residential Institutions and Class 11
Assembly and Leisure), Development Falling Within Class 1 (Shops), Class 2
(Financial, Professional and Other Services), Class 3 (Food and Drink),
Landscaping and Supporting Infrastructure
Land At Menie
Estate Balmedie Aberdeenshire AB23 8YE
This post is an attempt to guide objectors as to how to object to Trump's latest planning application at Menie. In short, he is proposing to, rather than build the resort in phases alongside profitable residential development, to just proceed with building the houses.
Anyone, anywhere in the world, can object. You can either write to the Planners at
Aberdeenshire Council Formartine Planning Team, 45 Bridge Street, Ellon, AB41 9AA
Or email
or cut and paste your comments into a form by clicking on Make a Comment at
That URL will also give you access to the application and comments lodged thus far.
You have until 11th October only to make comment.
Please make it clear
1. That you object to the proposal
2. Give grounds for that objection : the simplest is simply that this proposal does not accord to the 2006 Outline Permission nor the OP3 allocation in the 2017 Aberdeenshire Local Developmet Plan and the Executive Summary amplifies this a little
3. Add any further detail you wish : maybe pick an aspect of the whole that particularly resonates with you.
4. Refrain from simple abuse of Mr Trump but if there are elements of his past behaviour that illuminate issues with a linkage to planning matters or material considerations, please do mention these. Edit: Reference in the first draft here to 'misogynist,
racist and downright boorish Mr Trump' seems to have resulted in an objection being rejected. Please be very careful not to include such comments.
Executive Summary
The original proposal (2006/4605) was approved by Scottish
Ministers but strict phasing to ensure that the (profitable) open housing was
only delivered alongside the development was set out ‘In order to ensure the implementation and completion of the golf course
resort components of the proposal, as these are the elements of the proposed
development which the planning authority considers will bring economic and
social benefit to the area.
This application seeks to circumvent all the conditions and
agreements of the original planning permission, bringing the building of
mainstream housing first, removing the incentive to develop the resort in
phases. It also replaces the existing
Masterplan which was agreed with Aberdeenshire Council in 2010 with ill defined
‘Chapters’ of development.
Further it seeks to renegotiate or avoid the agreed package
of required infrastructure development associated with this significant
development. The current Section 75
agreement includes provision for sewerage upgrades, primary school provision, community
facilities (including a general store to serve the development), new junction
onto the A90(T) dual carriageway, and affordable housing. All these elements are at risk if the
developer is allowed to avoid the implementation of the current Section 75
legal agreement between itself and Aberdeenshire Council to the massive
dis-benefit of existing communities.
The applicants claim this is necessary as the development is
otherwise unviable. The resort at it
stands employs 90-95 people and makes a small operational profit. Significant losses are however posted annually
due to ‘Administration and Management Charges’ amounting to a third to a half
of turnover. This ensures a tax
loss. This application is claimed to increase direct
employment on site by around 80: this is paltry in comparison to the initial
claims which underpinned the 2006 permission and is certainly not grounds to
depart from the principles of the permission.
While economic circumstances are different from those in
2005/6 when the scheme was conceived, a more major factor impacting the
viability of Trump Organisation businesses, including this one, may be
the increasingly toxic nature of the brand with resorts, properties and hotels
worldwide being rebranded away from the name Trump to avoid undesirable associations.
The new ‘Chapters’ provided in this Planning Permission in
Principle’ portions of this application seek to replace the existing agreed
Masterplan. However this is
lacking entirely in the coherence and detail of that Masterplan : replacing
some attempt to design a community with isolated blocks of housing and resort
Following the 2011 Zit Award for Scotland's worst building to the Clubhouse
in the Carbuncle Cup, it was to be hoped that the developer would have heeded
the advice and avoid pastiche and worse.
However this is not the case with the larger ancillary building such as
the Lodges and Gym being repeats in design terms the faults of the Clubhouse
and the ‘Town Hall’ hilariously impersonates a church. A referral to a Design Panel to review this
lost opportunity would be appropriate.
Permission for APP/2018/1814 should not be granted until the
grade related junction at Orrock is constructed in accordance with the 2008 OPP
and the 2017 Aberdeenshire Local Plan conditions. More footpaths and cycle paths will be
required to improve access to local facilities especially parallel to the
coast, other than the existing routes along the beach.
This application
should be rejected as it does not conform to the 2006 Outline Planning Permission
nor the OP3 allocation in the 2017 Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan and
would be significantly harmful to the integrity of the planning system, the good
principles of design, involves damage to the environment including ancient
woodland, and contains inadequate proposals relating to the required
infrastructure to support a development of this scale and nature.
Full Objection Grounds
In 2008, Scottish Ministers granted Outline Planning
Permission (2006 OPP) for a Golf Resort at Menie after the initial refusal by
Aberdeenshire Council. Importantly the
significant breaches in Local and National Policy including the environmental
damage the development would cause were considered to be outweighed by economic
benefits of national importance. That
led to strict phasing of the development to ensure that the mainstream housing
element of the development, said by the applicant to be necessary to cross fund
the resort, was delivered in phases as the resort was delivered.
‘Reason: In order to
ensure the implementation and completion of the golf course resort components
of the proposal, as these are the elements of the proposed development which
the planning authority considers will bring economic and social benefit to the
Details of phasing conditioned in the 2006 OPP are given in
Appendix 1.
To date, a portion of Phase 1 has been delivered: a golf
course, a small clubhouse and Menie House and some Steadings have been
converted into visitor accommodation.
The applicant has a history of pushing the boundaries of the
original 2006 outline permission e.g. ENQ/2015/0526 | Planning Permission in
Principle for the Erection of 850 No. Residential Units, 1900 No. Leisure
Accommodation Units with Ancillary Commercial Development, Land at Menie Estate Balmedie Aberdeenshire , almost double
the size of the 2006 consent. This was
viewed by the Reporters at a heavy handed attempt to influence the then
Proposed Local Development Plan. There
is also a significant history of retrospective applications at Menie,
illustrating that granting the ‘benefit of the doubt’ to this developer is
counter to good planning (Appendix 3)
New proposal
The applicants are now arguing that the scheme is unviable
and will remain so unless they are permitted to build all 500 open market
houses in advance of the rest of the development.
In addition the proposal seeks to significantly alter the
agreed Masterplan that was agreed in 2010.
The 2010 Masterplan which presented a coherent vision for both the
residential and resort elements of the proposed development is replaced in the Planning Permission in
Principle portion of this application with ill defined ‘Chapters’. No justification is offered for this change.
This peculiar hybrid application is very much to the applicants
advantage : they have presented studies
associated with the full planning permission for portions of the development,
ignoring the much greater impacts of the whole resort which may result in a
very piecemeal and poorly planned whole.
It further seeks to revisit/renegotiate the agreed ‘planning
gain’, presumably ignoring the existing Section 75 agreement that covers
matters such as
Access onto A90(T)
Provision of a primary school
Connection to Sewerage
Community facilities
Contributions to Affordable housing.
The proposal to permit all 500 open market housing to be
built in advance of the rest of the resort, clearly removes any and all
incentive for the developer to complete the resort. That means that the paltry economic benefit
the resort is delivering (see Appendix 2) despite the significant environmental
destruction will continue, possibly indefinitely.
It is interesting to note that as recently as 2015, the applicant
consulted on a larger development, ENQ/2015/0526 | Planning Permission in
Principle for the Erection of 850 No. Residential Units, 1900 No. Leisure
Accommodation Units with Ancillary Commercial Development, Land At Menie Estate
Balmedie, clearly believing that this could be viable. The applicant in 2006-2008 oversold his
proposal and sadly many decision makers were taken in[2]. Hopefully decision makers will be less likely
to view this proposal through rose tinted spectacles.
Economic benefit
Original application and current
The applicant argues in 2008 that there was a significant
economic benefit with the hard elements including
1080 on site jobs
1240 jobs within Aberdeenshire (an additional
1440 jobs across Scotland (an additional 200)
And in addition there were claimed to be 6000 (man years) of
construction jobs, often confused in the public mind with 6000 actual
The applicant also claimed that the global brand would focus
attention on the North East of Scotland and indeed the Trump name is well
known. Unfortunately, the higher profile
of Mr Trump has also highlighted the less savoury aspects of his character, leading many to
regard him as now a toxic brand with cities around the world[3]
such as Toronto[4]
and his home town of New York[5]
at pains to remove the name from buildings and even the Trump Organisation
itself rebranding[6]
its own developments. While Mr Trump
undoubtedly has a base support willing to ignore his flaws, the ethos and
characteristics of Mr Trump and indeed his children who now operate the business
are increasingly at odds with Scottish sensibilities. This is undoubtably impacting he economic viability of Trump businesses.
The resort as it stands is posting small operating profits
but due to ‘Administrative and Management Charges’ amounting to around a third
of turnover, the resort are posting losses and, of course, have not paid any
tax beyond VAT and Payroll taxes (Appendix 2).
This application
In their most recent Economic Impact Assessment accompanies
this application, TIGLS claim in the Executive Summary
2000 FTE construction jobs for this phase
(presumably they mean 2000 man-years)
244 FTE jobs across Aberdeenshire
268 FTE jobs across Scotland (an additional 24)
It is difficult to reconcile these figures with the claim
(Table 2.4) of 80 on site jobs being supported by this proposed development,
which with the usual multiplier effect may then equate to 100 FTE jobs across
Scotland (Table 2.6). The disparity is
with TIGLS conflating construction jobs with permanent jobs associated with the
operation of the resort.
This is a habit that TIGLS developed when the resort was
first mooted and they confused 6000 man years of construction jobs with
continuing employment in order to exaggerate the impact of their proposal. I trust no-one will fall for this ploy
To be fair, Table 2.11 of the Report gives 171 construction
jobs, indicating that TIGLS anticipate this portion of the overall development
to be delivered over 11.7 years which begs the question of when, if ever, TIGLS
propose completing the resort elements that are supposed to deliver the
economic bonanza which is supposed to be Aberdeen’s post oil future.
The development of retail, spa, gym, and 100 bed spaces is
claimed to add 80 FTE jobs at Menie which would bring the total jobs at the resort
up to around 175, one-sixth of the 1080 promised in the original Economic
Impact Study.
So the actual numbers of permanent jobs at Menie are at
maximum given in Table 2.5 of the EIS
Space Type
Commercial retail
Commercial office
Leisure (townhall)
Leisure (gym)
to which TIGLS applies a multiplier to reach 100 jobs.
Anyone who knows the area will dismiss the claim that
employment in tourism in the immediate area (10km) has increased from 5% to 33%
in from 2009 to 2016. It must be
suspected that the BRES survey sample size is generating an artefact that the
Trump Organisation are only too ready to report, alongside their selective
reporting of other issues in the Economic Assessment. It should be noted that they do not submit
the commissioned reports themselves.
The claimed economic benefits do not justify the further
erosion of good planning principles and policy and certainly do not justify
setting aside the carefully considered and crafted phasing the 2006 outline
planning application and its attendant conditions, recently confirmed in the
2017 Local Development Plan. While the
applicants may claim that their development should simply be treated as a
housing allocation in that plan, it is clear that the development was only
included in the LDP due to the outline planning permission : the Local
Development Plan must not be used as a backdoor to circumvent the critical
terms of the 2006 Outline Planning Permission.
Transport and access
The Transport assessment is limited to the 500 mainstream
houses and 50 units of visitor accommodation that are the subject of detailed
proposals in this hybrid application. It
therefore fails to plan for the much larger resort development or for the
possibility of major events being hosted at Menie. It could be of course that the ‘toxic Trump’
brand means that the promoters of this development have given up on all hope of
hosting major events, with even iconic Turnberry impacted by the association[7]. If this is the case, then the developer can
have no objection to a condition preventing major events without specific
The Transport Assessment recognises that few amenities are within
close proximity, the reason for community facilities including a general store
forming part of the Phasing (Appendix 1)..
The document seems to suggest that they expect people to walk or cycle
to Balmedie to use amenities including general store, post office, library and
school. This seems optimistic due to the
distance – in excess of the maximum threshold of 1600m for walking (PAN 75
stated in para 2.1.8 of TA), and the lack of safe walking and cycling routes,
not to mention the variety of normal weather conditions in NE Scotland.
The proposed walking links via Balmedie Beach whilst
suitable for leisure walking are not suitable for accessing Balmedie village
amenities, especially at high tide.
Access to and from the estate, on foot, by bicycle, should
be provided with routes both parallel to the coast inland from the beach routes
to complement Nortrail and provide access between the future settlement of
Menie and Balmedie as well as across the estate from the old A90 to the
beach. The ‘Chapters’ plans conspicuously
do not plan for such access The proposal
to provide of cycle lanes (4.3.6) is welcome and suggest this should be a
condition if planning permission granted.
This would also require speed limits and traffic calming measures along
the old A90 route. Further exploration
of developing a network of cycle routes to link to NCN1 and SUSTRANS cycle
network would also be welcomed.
Local Road network
The limited transport assessment accepts that the ‘main
origin and destination of the bulk of the development trips will be to the
south towards Aberdeen. Development traffic will therefore require to pass
through Balmedie in order to reach the new Balmedie trunk road junction’.
The original PPiP application was granted subject to the legal
requirement in the Section 75 agreement and re-iterated in the current
Aberdeenshire Local Plan that ‘a new grade separated junction in the vicinity
of Orrock House’ would be required. The
current TA replaces this condition with a roundabout onto the old A90. Yet clearly the construction of the flyover
at Orrock was designed to accommodate a future grade related junction. Such a junction would allow all traffic for
the new development to readily access the Menie Estate and would significantly
reduce the adverse effect of increased traffic flows into and through Balmedie
and facilitate an alternative route when accidents etc close part or all of the
Trip Generation and Traffic Impact
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 appear to significantly underestimate the
likely trip generation associated with the proposal at 562 AM and 509PM peak
trips. There seem to be no figures given
for traffic generated outwith peak hours – despite likely high numbers of
private car journeys, deliveries, taxis etc.
An equestrian Centre is also likely to generate increase traffic flows
including horse boxes throughout the year, especially if it is expected to be a
competition centre.
The bulk
of these journeys are expected to pass through Balmedie. This will significantly increase traffic
flows within the village, particularly on the old road past the White Horse.The
conclusions in section 5.5 are ludicrous, particularly that the 1A and !B
proposals will only result in 38 AM and 31 PM journeys through the old A90 and
Balmedie (5.5.6)
Residential travel Plan Network.
Whilst setting out worthy aspirations, the notion that a
residential travel pack will significantly reduce the number of car journeys
appears extremely optimistic. While new
residents may well attempt to take more exercise, they will still be reliant on
motor vehicles for the bulk of their journeys.
The proposed development is being clearly targeted at
wealthy families with high car ownership rates and usage. There is no indication that electric vehicles
are being encouraged or that residents will have car charging points.
Public transport
Bus operations in the vicinity are currently being reviewed
after the opening of the A90(T) dual carriageway. The timetables mentioned in the Transport
Assessment are therefore unlikely to continue with the probability being that
Menie will end up with an approximate hourly service rather than continue to be
served by multiple routes using the A90 corridor.
Only a limited number of buses pass are expected to pass
through Balmedie village, others have customarily by-passed Balmedie so going
shopping by public transport for day-to-day supplies will be difficult by public transport. This will increase number of car journeys to
Balmedie significantly.
Summary and Conclusion
The OPP granted in 2008 and Section 75 agreements clearly
state that the development of Menie requires the construction of a grade
related junction onto the A90(T) at Orrock.
The current Application seeks to side-step this important
condition and to route development traffic along the old de-trunked A90. This is clearly unacceptable.
The traffic flow data an which the TA is based appears to
significantly under-estimate the likely number of vehicular trips associated
with the proposed development.
It should be noted that promised arrangements for access
have not been fulfilled and access to the estate at various points (Leyton Cottage, Menie Lodge, etc) remain cut
off and actively discouraged in contravention of the Land Reform Act
(2003). The Estate needs reminded of its
duties including to those with mobility impairments and the combination of
locked gates and the deliberate placing of obstacles should not be continuing.
Trees and habitat
The application includes the information that 50% of the
Ancient Woodland on the site is to be felled in order to accommodate the
development. Given the amount of land
available and previous Masterplan which demonstrated how these important areas
could be retained and indeed be an attractive feature of the development, this
should be robustly rejected and indeed these areas be afforded maximum
protection via designations where these do not already exist. A recent walk on the estate revealed ad hoc
felling of trees that did not appear to be justified by the condition of the
trees. “Ancient and semi-natural woodland is an important and irreplaceable
national resource. It must be protected and enhanced, as should be all native
and mature woodlands.”[8]
Further under the Scottish Government’s guiding principles regarding woodland
“There is a strong presumption in favour of
protecting Scotland’s
woodland resources.
Woodland removal should be allowed only where it would achieve
significant and clearly defined additional public
Identified in the survey were internationally and nationally
rare lichens: the habitat for these needs to be preserved not just the hosts.
Listed species
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) makes no mention
of the requirement for a Habitats Requirement Appraisal (HRA) which SNH in
their response has advised is necessary. It is surprising that no badger setts
were found and indeed, some of the numbers of other included in the report
appear on the low side as compared to similar habitats elsewhere and many
species that have been seen (by local residents and visitors) in the area are
missing from the EIA. Both barn owls (green status) and tawny owls (amber
status) have been observed in the woodland as have marsh harriers(amber) and
short-eared owls elsewhere on the estate to name but a few. There is also no
recording of invertebrates in the assessment. That said the EIA identifies that
there will be an overall reduction in biodiversity which should be offset by
various mitigation strategies (9.1.5).
However, TIGLS record on both compliance and the environment is not good
and not least this is driven by the attitude of Trump himself with his
ignorance or wilful disregard of environmental issues as illustrated by the
following points
The Menie Environmental Management Advisory
Group (MEMAG) met infrequently and often TIGLS staff failed to attend. Its
decisions were ignored. It has now ceased to meet and indeed TIGLS have asked
for this requirement of the planning permissions to be rescinded.
Tom Dargie, the ecologist originally employed by
Mr Trump as an advisor to the development of the golf course has stated that his advice was ignored by Mr
Otter holts were to be built on the Blairton
Burn. This has not been carried out and indeed one wonders if this could be a
factor in the cessation of otter activity recorded near Menie house. (6.3.2
Environmental Impact Assessment)
Mr Trump has made much of being a climate change
denier, his scepticism of scientific evidence is also well reported across a
broad spectrum of well-regarded media, including
his legal challenges to the Aberdeen Offshore Wind Development.
Trump’s management style is to remove opposition.
He has had the highest turnover of staff of all presidents for the past 100
years and one of the main reasons as found by the Washington based research
group Brookings Institute was “However,
record-setting turnover during Trump’s first year may be the result of at least
two other unique factors. One factor was the president’s focus on loyalty over
qualifications. Since the president relied on many of his connections in the
private sector and was reluctant to hire those who opposed him during the campaign,
the absence of prior White House experience among the ranks of the senior staff
was glaring.” [11]. We see this In the turnover of key personnel
including golf course designers and ecological advisors at Menie.
The environmental impact assessment appears to be very
limited with many species that have been observed regularly by local residents
and visitors, missing. To rely on the applicant to both accurately monitor and
record the species and habitats present and put proper mechanisms in place to
mitigate for habitat and biodiversity loss would be futile given their past
record which shows that this is a low priority. There should be no loss of
Ancient Woodland permitted as there is sufficient space to incorporate the
housing elsewhere.
Water and sewerage
The Trump Organisation have been caught using unauthorised
standpipes in order to irrigate the grounds, even during this summer’s drought.
They also have a history of a rather cavalier attitude to maintaining
the private water supplies of properties that lie within the estate
boundary. While it is recognised that
these are private legal matters, the planning authority has a duty to ensure
that mitigation measures are put in place to prevent adverse impacts on neighbouring
properties where these can be predicted.
It should be noted that the resort developments for Phase 1
of the 2006 Outline Planning Permission were required to be linked to the
Balmedie main sewerage system. They
still rely on septic tanks. No further
development should be permitted until this situation is regularised in line
with the 2006 Outline Permission Section 75 agreement.
In 2010 a Masterplan from Hoskins Architects[12]
adding detail to the 2006 Outline Planning Permission was agreed. This Masterplan presented a coherent vision
for the development with the creation of a residential core to the south and
west of Menie House and the resort to the north. The
Masterplan has been used to inform subsequent piecemeal planning applications
for the conversion of Menie House into hotel accommodation, the Steadings into
additional visitor rooms, the banqueting suite appended to Menie House, etc.
It was also used as the basis of a withdrawn planning
This application seeks to
replace that Masterplan with ‘Chapters’ of development without explaining any
rationale for this, or detailing what each ‘Chapter’ entails.
Built Heritage
On the original plans, Menie House, then said to be intended
as the private residence of the Trump family, was left with its curtilage more
of less intact. Subsequently Menie House
has been brought into the core of the resort, first by conversion to the hotel
and service centre for the Steadings converted to accommodation and latterly by
the now expired planning permission to append a Banqueting Suite onto it. It is to be hoped that the ‘Town Hall’
functionally replaces the banqueting suite.
However, this proposal inserts development within the curtilage of Menie
House significantly impacting this listed building. The setting of Menie House is however
already compromised by alien elements such as the flagpole, artificial stone fountain
and new access and parking areas.
The submitted documents commit to some archaeological
watching briefs where features of possible interest are known. This should be treated with a high degree of
scepticism given the appalling record of MEMAG which was supposed to oversee
the building and operation of the golf course but rarely met and proved
entirely ineffective due to it entirely advisor status and the developers’
total lack of engagement.. In these
circumstances, with a developer who appears intent on ignoring normal norms of
behaviour, the imposition of advance trial digs in areas of interest would be
Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment presents a detailed study of the effects
of the proposed development on the known and potential archaeological and built
heritage of the site. Amongst other
things, the assessment identifies that 'there
is a moderate to high probability of discovering buried archaeological remains
within the proposed development site' and presents a draft 'Written Scheme
of Investigation' (WSI) detailing archaeological trial trenching evaluation of
the site to be conducted prior to commencement of development works, and
subject to approval by Aberdeenshire Council.
This is welcome, but needs to be rigorously monitored, by an agency
independent of the Trump Organisation given their appalling history of ignoring
Assessment also identifies that 'The
introduction of the two proposed new eight bedroom lodges, immediately to the
north of Menie House, would appreciably change its current setting'...'
resulting in a moderate adverse effect'.
there is no mitigation proposed, and no justification for the siting of the
lodges in that location is given in the development proposals, nor
consideration of alternative locations.
The WSI refers to the APP/2010/0423 approved masterplan, but overlooks
the fact that it does not show any new buildings in the vicinity of Category B
listed Menie House.
Local Development Plan (2017) Policy HE1: states that: 'We will not allow
development that would have a negative effect on the character, integrity or
setting of listed buildings, or scheduled monuments, or other archaeological
sites'. Permission to erect the
two lodges in that location should therefore be refused.
Landscape Assessment provides scant evidence for its conclusions and lacks a
rigorous approach to identifying receptors and assessing impacts from those
points. The Assessment admits that
further work is necessary and this is reinforced by the proposals for significant
removal of tree belts and areas of woodland and the unnecessary increase in
densities of development particularly impacting Menie House.
would suggest that further work is required to assess the proposals in the
light of impacts on significant receptors including
Grid Reference
Cock and Bull
Illustrative of views
from old A90, the first expansive views of the coast north of Aberdeen.
Pettans Church
Impact on historical
site and its setting in landscape
Menie House 1
Impacts on curtilage
of listed building
Menie House 2
Impacts on curtilage
of listed building
Menie House 3
Impacts on curtilage
of listed building
Menie House 4
Impacts from main
rooms of Menie House
Hermit Point
Impacts from inland
Mill of Menie
Impacts on existing
residential properties
Frontal dunes 1
Impacts on
recreational users of dunes and beach
Frontal dunes 2
Impacts on
recreational users of dunes and beach
Frontal dunes 3
Impacts on
recreational users of dunes and beach and visitors to Country Park
North Beach Road
Impacts of visitors to
Country Park
Building design
In 2011 the Menie Clubhouse was awarded the Zit Award for
Worst Building in Scotland[13]
in the Carbuncle Cupwith Michael Rasmussen, architect and fellow of the Royal
Incorporation of Architects, saying:
“The building was designed by Huntly architects Acanthus df, who in the
past have turned out some very fine buildings. If one is to design a pastiche
of an historic building then at the very least it needs to be true to the
scale, style and proportion of the period – this building is none of those.
With the Menie Estate’s location within a landscape of heroic importance,
Acanthus have a duty to society, the environment & their profession to
produce a building that befits such a wonderful and unique setting.
“By producing this third rate building a golden opportunity has been lost to create a sublimely elegant, understated, contemporary building that could have been a beacon for the best that Scottish Architecture. We have the talent – what a shame it was not utilised in this instance.
“One can reflect that this is most likely a classic example of an architect being “told” what to do by his wealthy and powerful client & in so doing relegating a noble profession to nothing more than a second rate draftsman. What price integrity – when sold out for the might $. Resignation from the commission would have been an honourable solution. Shame on you Acanthus.”
“By producing this third rate building a golden opportunity has been lost to create a sublimely elegant, understated, contemporary building that could have been a beacon for the best that Scottish Architecture. We have the talent – what a shame it was not utilised in this instance.
“One can reflect that this is most likely a classic example of an architect being “told” what to do by his wealthy and powerful client & in so doing relegating a noble profession to nothing more than a second rate draftsman. What price integrity – when sold out for the might $. Resignation from the commission would have been an honourable solution. Shame on you Acanthus.”

There seems to be a substitution of ornamentation for design
with even simple structures such as garages requiring no less than 5 external
A full review of the designs proposed would be appropriate
given the eventual scale of this development.
Design is not merely a matter of
taste but can root a
place in the landscape, both physical and cultural and engender a sense of
place. At present the Trumpton cartoon
seem to be as much a source of inspiration than Aberdeenshire and references to
e.g. Monymusk are merely insulting.
Appendix 1: Phasing
2006 Outline Planning Permission Phasing Condition
2018 Application and Completions (bold)
Resort completion required
Other facilities required as part of Section 75 agreement
Golf course
450 bedroom Hotel
36 Golf Villas
Staff Accommodation
Links to sewage works at Balmedie
Golf course
Conversion of Menie House and
Steading to visitor accommodation
‘hotel’ elements such as Gym, retail.
One quarter of holiday accommodation (275 units)
Start of housing construction
Expansion of sewage works in Balmedie.
New or extended bus services.
Community facilities, including general store, nursery crèche, etc
50+ units of visitor accommodation
Further quarter of holiday accommodation (275 units)
101st to 151st private house
Primary school and associated facilities to accommodate 225 pupils.
Grade separated junction onto A90 (T).
Contribution to 51 affordable market houses at Balmedie
Further quarter of holiday accommodation (275 units)
201st to 251st private house
Second tranche of affordable houses at Balmedie
Final tranche of holiday accommodation (275 units)
301st to 400th private house
401st to 500th private house
500 mainstream houses
Appendix 2: Extract from Accounts
Actual performance
The actual performance of TIGLS against that is not
encouraging. TIGLS has made a loss of
around a third to a half of its turnover each year it has been open, albeit
that is largely fuelled by the ‘Administration and Management Charges’. One can only suspect are a device to transfer
profits when these are eventually made outside of the UK as no sensible
business incurs such high charges against such a modest turnover.
In contrast to the promise of jobs and the predictions of
further jobs in the so-called Economic Assessment accompanying this
application, jobs have plateaued in the mid 90s and losses are starting to
Turnover, £m
Cost of Sales, £m
Profit, £m
Administration/ Management Charges and
other income, £
Depreciation, £m
Interest, £m
Tax, £m
Full Time Equivalent Employees
Due early October 2018
Companies House
Appendix 3 : Retrospective applications
Trump International Golf Course
Balmedie Aberdeenshire AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2016/0329 | Received:
Fri 05 Feb 2016 | Validated: Mon 08 Feb 2016 | Status: Decided
Trump International Golf Course
Balmedie Aberdeenshire AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2016/0278 | Received:
Mon 01 Feb 2016 | Validated: Thu 04 Feb 2016 | Status: Decided
Trump International Golf Course
Balmedie Aberdeenshire AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2015/2843 | Received:
Mon 07 Sep 2015 | Validated: Tue 15 Sep 2015 | Status: Decided
Trump International Golf Course Balmedie
Aberdeenshire AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2015/2842 | Received:
Mon 07 Sep 2015 | Validated: Tue 15 Sep 2015 | Status: Decided
Trump International Golf Course
Balmedie Aberdeen AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2014/2972 | Received:
Tue 12 Aug 2014 | Validated: Tue 12 Aug 2014 | Status: Decided
Menie Park Lodge Menie Estate Balmedie
Aberdeen AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2012/3125 | Received:
Tue 18 Sep 2012 | Validated: Thu 08 Nov 2012 | Status: Decided
MacLeod House Menie Estate Balmedie
Aberdeen AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2012/3126 | Received:
Tue 18 Sep 2012 | Validated: Mon 19 Nov 2012 | Status: Decided
Land At Menie Estate Balmedie Aberdeen
AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2012/2466 | Received:
Thu 19 Jul 2012 | Validated: Fri 27 Jul 2012 | Status: Decided
Land At Menie Estate Balmedie Aberdeen
AB23 8YE
Ref. No: APP/2012/2342 | Received:
Tue 10 Jul 2012 | Validated: Tue 10 Jul 2012 | Status: Decided
I am not a robot, I am an American who agrees with the residents who are unfortunate to live next to Donal$ Trumps golf course in Menie. Scotland has done nothing to stand with it’s own people. Instead they bend over backward to give America’s WORST PRESIDENT EVER, whatever this criminal, racist, liar, and sexual assaulter of women, whatever he wants. Scotland, wake up before it’s too late.